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PROJECT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Objective Reality Foundation announces the call to apply for an educational project that will explore the relationship between Russia and Poland. The project focuses on developing visual storytelling skills as a means for creating a visual dialogue and developing critical thinking in youth people of both nationalities.

The project offers a series of workshops, online training sessions and production of personal daily life stories by Polish and Russian youth under the direction of internationally acclaimed photographers – Rafal Milach (Poland) and Andrei Liankevich (Belarus).

The project will result in a seed community of young people and a number of personal stories that will be brought together in a web documentary and a multimedia exhibition piece and demonstrated to audiences in Russia and Poland, as well as features on [OR]EDU website. Participants will have an opportunity to continue working on their stories online after the project is completed.

The project features the following events for the Russian and Polish young photographers:
– Workshop and public lectures in Kaliningrad, Russia, November 27-December 3, 2011
– Workshop and public lectures in Gdansk, Poland, December 17-21, 2011
– Online workshop at [OR]EDU site, November-December 2011
– Presentation of the project results in Russia and Poland, January 2012

Application guidelines
Participation is open to young aspiring photographers living in Kalinigrad/Kaliningrad region and Gdansk/Tricity regions. All applicants must be 18 to 23 years old.
To apply for the workshops, the applicants should email portfolio, consisting of 1-2 stories and up to 20 singles and completed application form to the following address: info@objectivereality.org
Participants will be chosen on a competition basis by the workshop masters and will be notified by the organizers.
The organizers will cover the travel costs for the project participants, while the accomodation will be organized on the exchange principle. Participants should be ready to host the guest from another country in their home for the duration of the workshop.
Application to participate: http://img.objectivereality.org/POL_EDU_form_EN.doc

Details: http://objectivereality.org/eng/current_projects/edu/poland_russia_workshop/